Endo Shines in Frankfurt
The new Endo LEDZ range was shown to great effect on the stand that Crescent shared with German partners LBM & Endo themselves.Particularly striking was the comparison between conventional display lighting (which Endo have produced for many years) and the new LEDZ products which were displayed alongside. A visual comparison showed the effects to be very similar (the LEDZ are fitted to the right hand side in the image shown), whist the spot light levels using the LEDZ products were higher. The real telling information was found on the energy consumption metering - the LEDZ side showing between 35 & 50% of the conventional lighting load depending on the fittings selected.
The LEDZ range comprises luminaires that contain one of nine replaceable LED modules with sizes from 7 to 66W. Each module has a choice of purpose designed lenses and has a guaranteed life of 5 years.The modues were displayed individually against a wall to illustrate their distribution, as can be seen in the image on the right below.
The luminaire range is truly huge, featuring downlights, spots, pendants and exterior fixtures and amounting to over 700 versions.
Of course other Crescent LED lighting solutions were on show including representatives of all the linear CL range, and featuring the new exterior rated CLI RGB modules with integral drivers and interlink capability. The display is shown on the left.
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